
Results 171 - 180 of 226 for high tunnel.

Michael Ableman is well known in many farming circles for the work that he did in developing Fairview Gardens in...

With our last frost date fast approaching, we’ve kicked it into high gear in order to have our soil ready for...

Growing lettuce in the summer is a challenge almost anywhere. The heat stifles growth and kills germination rates....

Growing up in northern Wisconsin builds one’s appreciation for the outdoors during the summer when...

The wholesale prices for organic produce were unusually high in March because of weather problems in California,...

f you live where temperatures reach 95°F or higher during the summer, do I have a plan for you. Soil solarization...

More than 3,500 people commented on USDA’s proposal to adopt a marketing agreement on leafy greens that mirrors...

Many market farmers have chosen to use tractors and tractor mounted equipment to increase productivity on their...

Dandelions, radicchio, endive, escarole, puntarelle, wild asparagus, crosne are some of the delicacies in demand by...

Under favorable growing conditions, cole crops can withstand substantial defoliation from cabbage "worms" as long as...